A swine flu pandemic is sweeping through Britain despite the fact that 70 percent of Britain’s over-65 population was vaccinated against swine flu last year. What these vaccine advocates absolutely will not admit, however, is how many of those who are sick with the flu this year also got vaccinated last year.
Larmrapporter har haglat in under flera år ute i världen som pekar på mobiltelefonins hälsorisker. Myndigheter i flera länder tar kraftfulla beslut för att skydda människor, men inte i Sverige. Intellektuella giganter som Maria Feychting och Anders Ahlbom menar att det bedrivs forskning på hälsorisker mest för att människor är oroliga i onödan.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appealed to the press Wednesday to defend him from prosecution for leaking thousands of US documents and secrets, claiming that publishers who advanced WikiLeaks’ data were likely to also be targeted.
A recent Sundance world premiere, BHUTTO tells the epic story of one of the most fascinating characters of our time — Benazir Bhutto, the first woman in history to lead a Muslim nation.
Islands president Olafur R. Grimsson förklarade i en intervju för Bloomberg.com att hans land har klarat sig mycket bättre tack vare att man vägrade att betala bankernas förluster och lät dem gå omkull.
Wall Street: Jesse goes inside the secret billionaire boys’ club to find out how the financial meltdown was allowed to occur. Jesse Ventura was born in 1951 in Minneapolis. After graduating from high school, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy, where he joined the Special Forces and served as a UDT/SEAL from 1969 to 1973. The 1990s saw Ventura enter the political arena.
Dokumentären ”7/7 Ripple Effect” beskriver metodiskt och detaljerat hur London-bombningen 2007 tycks ha varit en så kallad ”False flag operation” dvs en terrorattack där de ansvariga som pekades ut inte var de som egentligen planerade den.