Wall Street: Jesse goes inside the secret billionaire boys’ club to find out how the financial meltdown was allowed to occur. Jesse Ventura was born in 1951 in Minneapolis. After graduating from high school, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy, where he joined the Special Forces and served as a UDT/SEAL from 1969 to 1973. The 1990s saw Ventura enter the political arena.
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After falling out with WikiLeaks spokesman Julian Assange in September, a group of former insiders at the now-notorious whistle-blower site are about to launch their own project, OpenLeaks. Its founders hope to serve the mission of bringing down corrupt regimes and organisations better.
Societies come together slowly, but can fall apart quickly, say researchers who applied the tools of evolutionary biologists to an anthropological debate.
The world’s most powerful woman will most probably be a former guerilla fighter. As the head of state of Brazil, president Dilma Rousseff would outrank Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State.
Tiden då politiker styrde världen är sedan länge förbi. Idag har vi en ”corporate world” där multinationella företag med ekonomiska intressen kontrollerar.
OPINION. I just saw the war drama Green Zone with Matt Damon. It’s fiction based on history and political reality. Fantastic movie in many respects. We follow a small platoon looking for WMD in Iraq but none were found. The…
Analys av isborrkärnor visar att vi redan passerat in i nästa istid samtidigt som klimathothysterin gör gällande att hela planeten värms upp på ett katastrofalt sätt. Ur ett politiskt perspektiv kan en inbillad hotbild fungera för att engagera alla i ett miljötänkande, men om en ny istid är på väg handlar problemen om befolkningsmängd, naturresurser och migrationer.